• Day 057: Sunday February 26th

21:30 I spent the majority of today unpacking, doing laundry, sorting my room with the new additions I had received from home, and hanging out with the guys who told me a lot about nature and the stories they had growing up with all these animals around. 

After lunch a few more volunteers including the Canadian guy (volunteer coordinator) and a couple of Swedish girls came to San Miguel with the park administrator, who did some magic for us.  We hung out and in the evening until most the volunteers headed off to the ‘market’ (small “Soda” store) whilst one of the Swedish girls and I collected some firewood.

During the fire close to bedtime we observed what we decided was either a small Kinkajou or a Pygmy Mouse Opposum?  It was brown in colour, with big eyes and ears which caused us to move from a Martilla (Kinkajou), to a type of squirrel or monkey (It was high up, very nimble but we later figured it was the “Martilla” or Kinkajou as one of the Costa Ricans first guessed).  It was pretty rare, but special, sighting to see a somewhat illusive nocturnal animal in the wild.

At dinner we made some amazing garlic bread.  We had a discussion about language seeming we had representative of England, Canada, Costa Rica, Germany and Sweden at our table and somehow got to the word butterfly.  Butterfly, Mariposa and Flutterbri (spelling) all sound lovely and then this German volunteer announced in German it is “Schmetterling,” which I said sounds like you are going to smash something, and funnily enough ‘schmeter’ does mean smash! Which was hilarious.  As I headed for bed I heard one of the Costa Rican volunteers playing his harmonica which was cool.