• Day 042: Saturday February 11th

18:05 I had “Que Ques De Hormigas” (Ant Cakes!) today, yes Spanish lingual people that does read Ant Cakes.  These were delicious cakes that ended up having ants inside as there was no way to remove them from the only sugar we had but nevertheless I really wanted this recipe.  Never mind anyway, after all “Lo que no mata engorda” – What won’t kill you, will make you fat :-)

I went to Santa Teresa again, very quiet but maybe because it is a Saturday which makes a huge difference out here with where Costa Ricans (Ticos/as) are found.  I managed to complete many of my errands though forgot a fair bit too – such as sending an email reply to my parents… oops!

Walking there and back (1hr 30mins x2) was extremely pleasant as someone had managed to spill a whole container of sugar cane pulp over the road (apparently loads of locals had been out with sponges to collect some off the road to be used for cooking - interesting note!).  Not only this but there was also the smell of some very nice flowers/plants at the sides of the road so all very pleasant apart from the poor stray dogs about.
Tim The Coconut (D.Philpot)

Solar Flare (D.Philpot)
Saw a White-Tailed Deer on the trail at the entrance to the park, right after I thought “Hmm, I haven’t seen one of these deer yet” as well as a lot of ants... as seen here (Video 64).  
I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With "D" (D.Philpot)

Once I got into the park with my bag of new shorts I sat out and watched an incredible sunset yet again, that you can view here, where I stayed until I got hungry for some dinner.

Limitless Beauty (D.Philpot)
22:00 After dinner 3 Racoons were up fighting in a tree just outside the lodge, so again I positioned myself at the base of the main tree by the showers and I filmed them climb past me - You decide who won! (Video #66).  It was also soon discovered that one had entered somebody’s room and broke into a carrier bag full of medical supplies which was kind of funny.