• Day 080: Tuesday March 20th

14:00 Today we all had a lie-in until 08:00, the volunteers crashed out as the movie last night went late into the night.  We had cereal, lots of fruit (standard) as well as some of my cappuccinos from England, which went down well.

We sat waiting for a call for the volunteers to leave, which allowed us to do some bird watching.  The nearby flycatchers were going mad in their now big nest, feeding young! Then a Black Trogon landed in clear view on a branch not so far away which I managed to snap a couple of photos of before my camera started making strange noises at me, slightly scared… 

A Shy Trogan Enters The Scene (D.Philpot)

Social Flycatcher On Nest Duty (D.Philpot)

A playful Coati came running down the path also, playfully bounding against trees in a really funny manner that I had not seen previously.

Said a sad goodbye to the volunteers, and then helped one of the cooks and 2 new volunteers in.  Every goodbye was sad but working in such environments you get used to saying goodbye to nice people and meeting more later on. Just had lunch, about to go to the lab.

21:30 I repaired the projector screen (sheet), upgrading it to mark 2, tested out the scientific instruments box – adding ‘date tested’ type stamps, and compiled more the last of the digital bird species list.  On a side note I now have 700 Pochote seeds, and check out this wasp and moth I found whilst collecting seeds:

An Interesting Wasp (D.Philpot)
A Fluffy Moth (D.Philpot)
I returned from the lab to enjoy an incredible sunset along with an Armadillo.  

Happily Foraging (D.Philpot)

In the evening the cook was in a funny mood as she was so tired, I fixed her TV for her and the kitchen radio (was switched off below haha), then I sat in the hammock pondering about experiments among other things before I read the CSU course and went to bed.