• Day 061: Thursday March 1st

22:45 The first notable event of today was the shell-o-rama which was interesting in that the groups reactions were particularly entertaining. I found a somewhat unusual crabs exoskeleton carapace on the beach.

I then took a select small group to the upper stream area, where we saw some different (striped) litter frogs on the walk up, with the focus of finding either butterflies or howler monkeys of which we caught a couple of the first and found some poo of the second, conveniently left on a fallen tree you had to duck under as if placed there.

At lunch we had the best chicken I have ever had, no really it was incredible! I found out from a book that the beautiful butterfly I saw in Corcovado was actually an interesting diurnal moth! Therefore I have to correct my statement to say that it is the most beautiful moth I have ever seen.

Evergreen had got together at the dorm house on the back porch, where they had chosen one of their ideas from the previous “50 questions” exercise to discuss with the group and DL, which was insightful and interesting.

In the evening we had a rather comical geology lecture with ML which started with him flinging a somewhat larger Wolf Spider under the front desk by the feet of some girls which was pretty entertaining to watch.

The day ended with a brief discussion on if I actually get to go up to the Monte Verde valley at this time, which would be a fascinating change of scenery, not that I could ever get bored here.