• Day 108: Tuesday April 17th

5 hours of sleep and we rose at the speed of sloths for breakfast at around 08:00am.  However despite the coffee today was the day we decided to go sailing, however this soon turned into taking a tour instead as it covered more and was only $30 each for a full day.
CFB - How We Felt (D.Philpot)
So at 08:30 we left the hostel with one of the hostel lads where we cruised along in his car with some great tunes along the way including Gorillaz, 'Closing Time' and 'Shot To The Heat.'  Other than jamming we passed the most random skatepark in the middle of nowhere, an escort shop…, a bull/ox pulling a traditional cart and another horse cart that we narrowly missed at high speed. 
The Flor De Cana Road (D.Philpot)

Nicaragua Viewscape (D.Philpot)

Nicagua Viewscape 2 (D.Philpot)

Flat Nicaragua (D.Philpot)
Cruising videos can also be seen... Here, Here, and Here.

First stop was Rivas though we mostly skipped it as we saw it before but then we got to Grenada.  The town appears to be very old with interesting architecture though the first thing that really caught our eye was a 'hammock factory' store.   
Traditional Carts (D.Philpot)
Colourful Marketplace (D.Philpot)

Old Cathedral (D.Philpot)

Hammock Tree Of The Hammock Store (D.Philpot)
Chilling On A $500 16ft Hammock (D.Philpot)
The Cathedral (D.Philpot)

Once we got there this place had upon other gorgeous hammocks a 25 foot long, 8 foot wide (and ~$600) hammock that could hold 16 people! Naturally we got many photos on top of this as it felt very surreal and looked cool.  Next we visited an old church which was interesting to look around and climb up, then we had an ice-cream break and walked through a market area in a square.  Lastly we climbed the bell tower of newer church for a few dollars and at 12 midday the bells went off right next to us not too long after I said "wouldn't it be funny if…" and someone said "nah, they wouldn't do that…" haha.  Here's the video.
Top Of The Narrow Stairs (D.Philpot)

Under The Bell... (D.Philpot)
We stopped off at the edge of lake Nicaragua before going to a restaurant to catch our boat.  Our music here included delightful hits of "I wanna… love… you," "lean back" and "..love… you right back" which was mildly amusing.   
Lake Nicaragua Edge (D.Philpot)

Island For Sale (D.Philpot)

Heading out on the lake we saw White Storks, the founder of Flor De Caña's (Nicaraguas national rum) mansion.  We then approached a French guys mansion which was for sale and, seeming one of the Canadian girls spoke French, we thought it would be amusing to pretend to be interested in buying it.  We were offered a kind offer of $450,000 whilst we received a very nice complementary tour of the island. 
Island For Sale - Pool (D.Philpot)
Island For Sale - Dog (D.Philpot)

Video 133 - Boat Crusing
Video 134 - Pretend Island Buying...

The next island we visited was called "monkey island" where we handed a couple of cookies to the native monkeys of this island who took them from our hands (You can see the Squirrel Monkeys in this Video).  The last island we visited had a bar, called Pirate Bar, where we reflected on our day so far before getting a couple of Mojitos and jumped off the side of the bar/island (myself in boxers of course!). 
Monkey Island Resident (D.Philpot)

Feeding A Monkey (D.Philpot)

Pirate Bar Island (D.Philpot)

End Of A Hard Day - Gorgeous Lake Scene (D.Philpot)
Then we left the island, where we saw a rather wet Scarlet Macaw, returning to where we got our boat from and had a fantastic meal there.  On the way back to the hostel there was a huge cloud of mosquitoes so big that it sounded like heavy rain splattering against the font windscreen of the car which was pretty gross.  In the evening we just relaxed in hammocks and took showers.