• Day 095: Wednesday April 4th

11:00 This morning I did some more reading after breakfast, took the weather, saw a cool butterfly I won't be able to identify as I have no photo and on the way back from the beach I saw a tonne of Harlequin Crabs close up.  On the beach I expected some interesting things due to the big storm only to find the lone 'fish-trap' bottle I had lost previously, and that the beach looked different as the underlying rock formations were now visible.  Near the path entrance between the beach and yard area I manage to catch an orange-yellow butterfly.  Before this interesting return from the lab I was watching as Social Flycatchers kept landing on the windowsill of the lab whilst squawking at each other, and I also saw and filmed a Ctenosaur eating a crab (See Video 110).  I decided to do some more reading and start making a butterfly identification guide seeming as they were all starting to come out a lot more with the rains - a good shower is also on the agenda.

Beach Butterfly (D.Philpot)

Harlequin Crab Burrows (D.Philpot)
The park guard spent his whole time either smoking or laying in a hammock so he lost some appeal as an inspirational character to me.

20:30 From returning from the lab once again I saw one, what I guess was a "White Hawk," followed shortly by another, again by the felled Pochote Tree.  I looped back to the lab to try get an ID from the bird book but no luck exactly though I at least had the photo stored on my camera.  This bird was of hawk size, it was all white with one black stripe across its tail feathers, and had a grey eye-bar as well as some grey on the tips of its wings when closed.
Stalking This Bird Of Prey (D.Philpot)
At around ~17:00 I went for a late snorkel in my wetsuit where I saw many Azure Parrotfish, Mullets, and then 3 blue and 1 yellow Guineafowl Puffers which I saw all by one another near a red tide 'cloud' in the water column.  I observed many fish close to the surface but the red tide was bad, so much so that I was a little nervous when I couldn’t see one foot ahead or below me in the middle of the lagoon whilst being the only human in a good few miles.  There were also huge black storm clouds behind me and certainly would not like to be out in the lagoon during a storm like that of last night.  I managed to get a shot of "Sharktooth Rock" in the sunset skies, but I still have not seen the nurse sharks again :-(

Here are my best sunset snorkel photos:
Blue-Phase Guineafowl Puffer (D.Philpot)
Sharktooth Rock (D.Philpot)

Sunset Over Sharktooth - View Above (D.Philpot)

Sunset Over Sharktooth - View Down (D.Philpot)
Here are links to videos of the sunset snorkel:

Video 111 - Big Dog Snapper 
Video 112 - Cortez Angelfish (Juv)
Video 113 - Azure Parrotfish
Video 114 - Sunset Without Fish?
Video 115 - Giant Damselfish... Apparently, sorry for the poor video quality!

Same dinner again, but after there were (what I presumed were) male and female Cane Toads (Later I was told they are two types).   
What's That Cane Toad (D.Philpot)

A Yellow Cane Toad (D.Philpot)
There was another electric storm last night with the lightning bouncing multiple directions in the sky, maybe normal to some but ridiculous to me!