• Day 092: Sunday April 1st

11:00 Last night approximately 12 hours ago it started raining fairly heavily so today it is fairly cool and wet on the ground.  The was a humungous clap of thunder that woke me up, so I had a quick look about in the darkness then went back to sleep.

I have just released the spare clingfish and have begun sorting out my photos so that March is backed up, and so 'all' species possible have been identified from my photographs (See Species Sightings).

21:30 The resident park guard had been busy with the Canadian guy and a volunteer replacing the concrete steps to the dorm hut, which now coincidently look very nice.  I feel it is kind of odd that I had never thought of beach sand being used for concrete before… An extension is also going to be added to the laundry area serving as a workshop for the park guard.

The Canadian guy made us his awesome pancakes which went down very well with some maple syrup.  In the evening we decided to watch a second movie, which made a nice change and was good to add a social element to the day with everyone working.  Whilst walking to the lab, and choosing a film to watch, we had to battle our way through a fair amount of Harlequin Crabs.  After the movie I made a list of fish species I had photos for already so I could aim to capture the rest before I listened to music and fell asleep.