• Day 089: Thursday March 29th

14:00 Had another great statistics lecture…

*Had to run, literally, to the main gate to let ICE in so got interrupted*

Meanwhile, here's a spider photo for you all:

Bright Colouration (D.Philpot)
17:00 …before breakfast this morning.  I was surprised that nearly all what DL told me went in at that hour but she is the best teacher I have ever met.  At least we didn’t have the interruptions of yesterday and she gave me a new staff t-shirt for my efforts.  Still no Wild Pig seen about the area on a side note.

As breakfast died down so did I, I rested and took a shower leaving not much time until everyone left.  I did some laundry again when the Canadian guy appeared again with another volunteer.  After a brief catch-up I tentatively got my hair cut by the cooks, an experience that was more interesting for them I think but they did a good job. 
Tropical Haircut (D.Philpot)
 The park guards went to La Montana (mountain) peak (a place I am yet to go) which is when ICE interrupted and I helped them out with checking the park electrics out.  I saw a Forest Falcon and some Howler Monkeys, which made me think could I ever get/be bored here? The answer I decided on would always be a resounding 'No!' Just listen to the Howlers calling:

Video 1 - Visitors To The Lodge
Video 2 - Baby Howler
Video 3 - Jumping Around

The cook left and after a chat she invited me to her house sometime in the near future.

This evening I removed a Harlequin Crab from the labs, found another carrying eggs, prepared "fish traps" (bottles), before watching a film (the Town) and relaxing.  After the movie I spent some time alone on the beach under the full moon pondering as bats circled above my head and flew by the moon, night sky and light on the waters surface.  I actually felt a little sad, odd to miss people - friends back home, mainly in having someone staying here with me on a more permanent basis.  One of the park guards deliberately made me jump by whacking his machete against the wall.