• Day 086: Monday March 26th

17:00 After a fish lecture (video) I felt again that I would really love to give the lecture myself to fill in the gaps of DL & ML as well as to try cut down on the time taken to describe and put across which are the common lagoon fish students will see.  Upon returning the faculty staff member spotted a Collared Peccary (a pig, and the first sighting in "a good few years") which was especially nice to hear of i.e. it's return to the area, and of course would be nice to see more of.

The next objective was another snorkelling session, unfortunate I know, where I mentioned to my group to stay close and they almost took it literally following me like sheep, one girl was so close to being shoulder to shoulder with me that she made me jump when I turned around.  There were about 30 or more Brown Pelicans around the Shark Tooth, and on the way out we came across two Turtles (1 large, 1 small) that were facing each other for some reason.  Didn't see anything else to interesting far out, but on return we followed a single large turtle that swam into 3 other smaller individuals. It was nice to see a little family of them :-) On the way out we watched as some Black Vultures fending off some Coatis from drinking from the outside shower area, the cheeky Coatis tried teaming up but kept getting chased away.

In the afternoon we had a self-guided hike to Plata Balsitas where some students strayed from the path and somehow got temporarily lost? Then we had a quiz before a frisbee session and a gorgeous sunset viewing.

22:00 After dinner ML talked about cameras, a "light bulb" flicked on in my head as he explained pixels and how images are created in almost programming terminology.  I look forward to getting the opportunity to move onto Digital SLR and minor photo editing.  DL and ML confirmed (note: c.f.) some of the recent species photo sightings of mine and on the way back we watched a small-ish Anteater climbing among the vines which looked funny.