• Day 134: Sunday May 13th

20:30 This morning I made a quick dash to Santa Teresa, bought myself a t-shirt and spent an hour on the internet. I was glad one of the park guards had gave me a lift, and that he had taught me how to change the gas bottle in the kitchen, however now it was raining heavily.

Once the rain stopped I walked back and snorkelled with the new volunteers - saw a Yellow Snapper with a luminous blue bar below its eye which I had not seen before.

I took a much needed shower, got to know the guys, cooked dinner (burnt garlic bread), read and then slept!

Few more Butterfly photos for your enjoyment:

Roadside Butterfly (D.Philpot)

Roadside Butterfly Underside View (D.Philpot)

Butterfly Courtship (D.Philpot)