• Day 133: Saturday May 12th

14:30 Todays victim was a Bare-Throated Tiger Heron, I swear that Social Flycatchers should be renamed to "Unsocial Anything-Eaters."

I finished Common Trees of Cabo Blanco, picked up a little more Spanish and exercised - that as of now is a normal routine thing for me.

My lemonade ice lollies were/are a massive hit! And a blonde German woman, a tourist I found laying on a bench, was really helpful in terms of what it is like to study in Costa Rica.

16:30 I just got off the phone with mum and dad, a Ctenosaur climbed the inside of the phone room door up the wall - hard to explain but basically as the lodge is a raised wooden platform there is a small inch or two gap at the base of where a door would be. 

New Sightings for tonight: 
Umm, This Is A Moth (D.Philpot)

Well How Cute! (D.Philpot)

Tiger-Striped Moth (D.Philpot)