• Day 123: Wednesday May 2nd

13:30 No snake seen today, but I got little sleep from thinking about my new slithering friend - I also had a midnight snack where there was a Grey-necked Wood Rail prancing around making an absolute racket.  I also discovered recently my bed must have termites (or ants) in the wood as I keep finding small perfectly formed piles of sand left on my bed sheet.

This morning I got on the offensive in filling in the missing jigsaw pieces of my working level Spanish, and I saw an incredibly beautiful eyespot moth which I got a couple of photos of:
Leaf? Eyes? Pink Furry Moth (D.Philpot)

I was further interrupted by a phone called from ICE (not pronounced or to do with ice but the Costa Rican telecoms people). This meant I had to run to the gate (roughly a 20min walk) where they sat in a large van, and left the gate to the entrance "dummy locked" as I thought it would be a brief visit and not 4 hours. So after speaking to DL I went back and locked it. Around the entrance I saw many butterflies (blue morpho, yellow swallowtails upon others) and took some flower photos too.
Flower Shot 1 (D.Philpot)
Flower Shot 2 (D.Philpot)

Some Fruit The Monkeys Eat (D.Philpot)
Upon returning I also got photos of my new 'stripe-back' lizard friend in the kitchen - now for lunch, while awaiting DL's call back.
A Young Anole (D.Philpot)

Young Anole - Side (D.Philpot)

At 13:00 a mummy Howler beat up a male in a pretty big fight above the El Comedor main lodge, and I found some bugs were trying to get into some Pochote tree seeds I had dropped on the floor:
Looks Like Bug Football (D.Philpot)
18:30 I saw 15-20 White-Faced Capuchins (with 3 babies!) move through the 'mangrove tree area' by the beach where they were breaking open seeds and snails using sticks and rocks - They also threw some things at me. Later I spoke to DL again as well as one of the cooks (Caballo) and Caballita joking around before I sat down to dive back into learning more about Nudibranchs (which are frilly/pretty sea slugs by the way) whilst a lot of various different insects were flying about. I think my favourite behaviour about sea slugs is when they perform what is called "rearing" and have observed the behaviour here a couple of times when I've spotted them.  Saw another giant moth tonight also… absolutely ridiculous I mean this truly is giant moth week apparently, must be something in the air.
Pink & Yellow Moth (D.Philpot)

Is It A Fighter Jet? No, It's A Moth (D.Philpot)

Another Moth - Razor Edged (D.Philpot)