• Day 121: Monday April 30th

15:15 Social Flycatchers have been the main topic of the day. I saw two or three individuals chase and fend off a Variegated Squirrel, they got quite aggressive and the squirrel was clearly not happy as it flicked its tail arched over its back. I also saw them flying off and returning with insects, one of which had trouble swallowing a large green Katydid so it kept smashing it against a branch. 
Social Flycatcher With A Katydid (D.Philpot)

A video of this Flycatcher can also be seen here, and I also found some wasp/insect casings of Cicadas all over a tree:
Tree-Specific Casings (D.Philpot)

What Came Out Of This? (D.Philpot)
There were also Ctenosaurs chasing each other and climbing on tiny branches whilst very high above my hammock by the firepit for these ripe yellow fruit (not very nice for us to eat by the way…).  I took a quick walk up the stream, and on the way back spotted some Howler Monkeys lazing about:
The Mighty Stream Bed (D.Philpot)
A Bromeliad (D.Philpot)

Lazy Howler (D.Philpot)
Currently I am boiling up chicken in attempt to make a delicious chicken soup… The butterfly species list is finished but they fly about taunting me still as I have not had a chance to study them, and they are only just showing up in larger numbers. I also finished reading Verons "A Reef In Time," a very good book I would highly recommend to other coral reef enthusiasts out there.

The soup incidentally turned out pretty poor, the taste was good but was quite watery/oily thanks to my own culinary skills. I decided to get an early nights sleep.

00:00 A storm woke me up, it rained for a seemingly brief period before I fell back asleep…