• Day 153: Friday June 1st

08:00 I've had just about enough sleep and am ready for the mission to move all of the course materials that were efficiently packed into tubs down to the biological station from Monte Verde.  The idea of the task reminded me very much of the mules in the book White Waters And Black I had recently read.
View From The School Bus, Can See My Host House (D.Philpot)

The Monkey Rope Bridge (D.Philpot)

Photo With My Teacher (D.Philpot)

Today I was pretty quiet in Spanish school as we covered a lot of verbs, vocabulary and tenses meaning many things became complicated but that's ok as much of the "essentials" we were covering would not be needed/useful anytime soon for example the verbs "to construct" or "to destroy."

It was also my classmates last day of Spanish school sadly so we took some class photos and shared the last of our long complicated stories/jokes - They moved to another Spanish school on Playa (beach) Flamingo.

A member of staff at the school also found my mobile phone which I had somehow left on the school bus like a dingbat - obviously I'm too used to having it attached to me at home in England.
My First Spanish Book I Read In It's Entirety (D.Philpot)
WE returned to our host families where I read a 6-year olds Spanish story book of a grand total of 16 pages - Of which I understood 90% :-)

Later at the L's I saw a couple of interesting caterpillars, while ML built a target board to teach the CSU students about precision, accuracy and statistics using ripe Guava fruits… ML also got sawdust in his eye, another small lesson learnt by me - always wear goggles kids!
Birds Nest At The L's (D.Philpot)

A Defensive Caterpillar (D.Philpot)
At 18:00 WE left the L's and I returned to my host family for dinner, at which point I was taught by the host parents how to pluck and prepare 6 fresh chickens - that I each morning had considered as pets, some reading.  Tigre (tiger) the cat came into my room during this evening and freaked me out, causing me to realise their eyes do freak me out quite a bit.

Tigre can be seen in this video.