• Day 146: Friday May 25th

I can actually summarise today fairly quickly in that I sorted out my room, parcels and packed my rucksack/backpack for my return to Monte Verde very efficiently.  I checked up on the seed experiment which was now very cloudy and the water looked more like lemonade. I then went snorkelling and fought against the currents again to add rubber bands to secure the data loggers.  My new fin strap worked a treat!

Snorkelling I saw schools of Jack and other species that seem to venture into the lagoon more at high tide e.g. Parrotfish and Chubs. On the way in I also saw a juvenile Green Puffer.

I went to take a shower and encountered my first ever wild Tarantula! It sat right in the centre of the floor of the shower and was about hand-sized, I took a trusty broom and coaxed it out onto the wooden decking of the lodge before swiftly sweeping him out into the yard area - I coped with my first close encounter with a big spider quite well I think, but too be honest if I handle a venomous snake I can handle anything! haha.
New Shower Buddy (D.Philpot)
The rest of the day was spent locking up the lab etc. but just before I sorted both the borrowed and new camera photos, organising everything in order to start a fresh back in Monte Verde.

Tonight there was a giant rain storm again and this time there was also some very large cracks as bolts of lightning struck pretty close which meant not much sleep for me and my early start tomorrow.