• Day 198: Monday July 16th

23:00 After breakfast of course I was in the lab again however today I got to work on my CV as well as possibly drafting publications. I would like to do this for two reasons; firstly to learn and go through the progress and secondly as I know some people will be interested in the work.

At lunch time we had burgers and platanos (plantain - my favourite) and I managed to get myself extra of each. Then during the afternoon DL and Adria locked me in the lab. Following mid-afternoon snack the volleyball net was set-up and I discovered that I suck at the game, as with most team sports. At dinner An, Adria, Em and Je made everybody tacos with help from the resident cooks - they were absolutely delicious, although I've only ever had a few.

Just when I was ready to go back to the lab to carry on with personal errands, movie night #6 was announced. Tonight we watched Amores Perros, a Mexican film centred around dog-fighting, which was a good movie but not my favourite - mostly as I am not too fond of multiple mini-stories within a movie however I have never seen such an eye-opening or graphic take on dog-fighting.

Now before bed I am wondering if it will be possibly for me to get into Malpais tomorrow in order to sort out my future some more…