• Day 196: Saturday July 14th

22:00 For the morning I just took a nap until 10:00 or 11:00 as lack of sleep had caught up with me. DL gave an informing lecture on publishing scientific papers which was valuable to my experience here and the students helped the cooks make empanadas ready for snack.

I helped SL along with DL in the afternoon doing cross-sections of streams to get measurements of the steepness of their sides and how they differ around the park. It started raining but didn’t get too heavy, I did get bitten a couple of times though but wore long trousers today so came prepared.
Lizard Poses For A Close-Up (D.Philpot)

Lovely Room Buddy (D.Philpot)
This night we watched El Mariachi (second time for me) and all the students plus all the guests who joined loved it - the cooks, Oscar's family and a few park guards. Na announced to me that he had realised I had stole his "movie buddy" away from him in the form of Em, which was quite amusing.