• Day 192: Tuesday July 10th

23:30 Today everyone was late to breakfast and when everyone eventually showed up we shared lots more fun stories.

After some medical issues SL, PS and I opened up the lab ready for the students - some of which were very keen to get started. My next tasks were to order, staple and digitise the references of literature and/or scientific papers for the students.          

In the afternoon I gleaned through everyone's independent travel photos and the Caribbean troop paid me back for the hotel payment fiasco.  In the background I had also spotted a huge juvenile Ctenosaur, green in colour yet adult-sized if not larger than some. Some great photos other people took are here:

A Tiny But Deadly Eyelash Viper

Paired Frogs

Jesus Christ Lizard Up Close

Gorgeous Flower Up Close
I also decided to make this video of a Hermit Crab, seemed to be lacking from my collection considering they are one of my favourite creatures.

While playing around on computers I made a preliminary list of Caribbean species I had seen which turns out to be fairly extensive (again, please see the end of my blog for a complete list of species sighted during my time in this country).

The AC again made me feel odd but I stuck with it and helped out in the lab until 23:00 and also learnt/went through some PC-ORD Multivariate Analysis with DL.