• Day 179: Wednesday June 27th

00:00 I took some beach photos (apparently worth mentioning!), saw an Anhinga (bird) which was cool:
Morning Stretches (D.Philpot)

... Took many photos of the students working in the lab and helped out with all the student groups as DL had gone to Malpais.

After lunch I caught Ma, Ja and Kat walking up a stream bed so I accompanied them until they got back safely. Kat was adamant that she spotted a frog in this one tree, and us three guys insisted it was a leaf just to wind her up until she was practically screaming "it's a frog!!!" It actually was a juvenile Ctenosaur.
The Tree "Frog" (D.Philpot)
When DL returned to the labs she asked me to take Sea Cucumber photos at intervals so I started that. I helped Adrie take scale photos of irregular sized Hermit Crabs before taking photos of the 100 cm sprint event of the Hermit Crab Olympics.  It was the park administrators birthday today so we had a cake and presents ready for him.
Hermit Crab Lined Up For His "Strength Pull" Event (D.Philpot)
Just now I saw what appeared to be a boring moth with SL that happened to have luminous red colouring beneath its wings, and now I get about an hour sleep.
Pretty Pale Guy Right? (D.Philpot)

Wrong! (D.Philpot)
05:30 This night out with the fish people was not fun, I got stung by a wasp, Na fell over, Kat was sleep deprived going doolally… and that is all I have to say about that!