• Day 202: Friday July 20th

23:00 It is only two weeks now until I am due to return to England :-( I am considering becoming "lost" out in the park somewhere…

I feel that I am already experiencing reverse culture shock, each ride with Elias feels different… I guess as I know soon I will be taking my last ride with him, and I look out to the beautiful beaches and ocean as if I am again seeing everything again for the first time - as if it all feels new. The cooks food tastes greater than ever and I am overexcited by the smallest of critters I discover in and around the park.

Good Shot Of A Sea Slug (D.Philpot)

Tiger Heron In The Tidepools (D.Philpot)
Of course, the alternative feeling is that I am too sad to be leaving Costa Rica that I am purposely trying to suppress it by boosting my excitement.

Once DL was happy with the progress of the students, we again set-up the volleyball net and… unfortunately… I had to play again. It was a good laugh though.

Nothing else really stands out today so on this odd occasion I have not managed to fill this page of my journal.