• Day 201: Thursday July 19th

22:30 I have realised that I have not had coffee now for 5 days, given that before Costa Rica I never really had ever drank hot drinks I can really notice the difference… but I need to detox my system so I don't become addicted to bad coffee back in England.

A tree (a type of liana - a thick vine) had fell over blocking the whole path, except for a small gap, between the lab/dorm area and the main lodge. After breakfast, where we saw a baby Agouti along with its parents, DL and I cut the liana down.

I had a new job today, working for the Sea Cucumber people. I coded each of their Sea Cucumbers, cropping out the individual "cukes" in their photos for analysis. The idea here is to gauge an estimate for percentage bodily cover of shell opposed to sand or other form of camouflage - if they really are hiding in such way. So I then took Ar, Ma and Kar into the AC lab one-by-one to guess percentage cover of the categories of shell, pebble and sand. No-one guessed the same as each other or the same as their original guesses but taking averages proved fairly interesting.

After the afternoon snack I went on a much needed hike up the lower San Miguel stream bed. It looked so much different with all the water coming down, but it made it challenging to hike up and once we got to the pool we played a couple of games.  Kat jumped and did a cannonball into the pool shouting "Costa Rica 2009, yeah" which was random but funny at the time, and once we started to head down I managed to fall over on the slipperiest rock I have ever come across. Soon after we returned we witnessed one of the most gorgeous sunsets:
Orange Glow (D.Philpot)
Lighting Up The Intertidal (D.Philpot)
The Sun Implodes With The Horizon (D.Philpot)
Darkness Falls (D.Philpot)
After dinner Adria got cobwebs on her legs and thought the best way to get them off was to rub them off on me… thanks! and I then stayed up late working again with the Sea Cucumbers as well as my CV.