• Day 199: Tuesday July 17th

23:30 Yet again I have helped out in the lab.

By lunch I had established that I was going to go to Malpais and some students latched onto this, giving me a few extra errands. So before afternoon snack Elias collected me at around 15:00, where we went to the local Ferreteria (no not a place for ferrets but a tool shop) for a hammer (Martillo). Next I went to the supermarket to get some of these colourful sheets/tapestries as gifts for friends of Na and Em, and whilst bargaining with the vendor here I got attacked by ants.
A Sleepy Capuchin (D.Philpot)

A Long-Nosed... Weird Creature (D.Philpot)
I proceeded by getting more much needed ice-cream, then tried to sort out MS Word licensing on a laptop for DL while doing some internet chores. 18:00 came about very fast and it was time to meet with Elias, so I quickly bought what phone/calling cards I could for the students.  Elias and I headed to Mary's Restaurant where we were due to have dinner and on the way almost collided with a "wall" of dogs that were spread evenly across the road. I thought we were going to hit them but apparently this must be quite a normal thing to come across… a line of dogs strolling in front of speeding cars.
A Glamorous Meal Out (D.Philpot)
This restaurant was gorgeous with a great ambience and delicious food, I wish I knew about this place earlier, although the cake dessert pushed me a little too far - I was stuffed. We played some pool and shared a couple of drinks, then once we returned to the park I joined Ca, Kat and Al on "Green Beach" under the perfectly clear sky and milky way above us - a very relaxing end to our evening.